Welcome to my new website. I hope you like it as much as I do! Since launching Jill McMillan Associates I have been focusing on helping individuals, teams and organisations maximise their leadership potential. A conversation I often find myself having with individuals, from investment bankers to music industry executives, is what makes them unique, what makes them really fly. By tapping into their passions and talents, people begin to understand the value they bring to their organisations and to the people around them. They begin to get clear on what they stand for and what being authentic means to them.
In a way, this website is the culmination of going through this process myself. It’s a visual representation of what I stand for. When I get up in the morning I want to take all of me to work, not just the commercial bits. I want to use my creativity, my love of problem solving, my natural curiosity about the world and my energy and zest for life every day. It’s the combination of all of my strengths, together with those of my wonderfully diverse associates that enable us to offer something truly unique. I love playing to my strengths and am lucky enough to work with clients who value all that is unique about me and my team.
I’d like to thank James, Neil, Ben and Kevin at Leader, whose ability to listen, understand and interpret my brief was a lesson in how a trusted client relationship should be. Chaps – it has been a pleasure working with you. Thank you for your insight, your creativity, your good humour and your gentle nudging along the way!